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warningThreshold - Variable in class RFIDReader.TemperatureNotificationSettings
when - Variable in class RFIDReader.Error
WRITE_TAG_DATA - RFIDReader.RFIDReader.ModuleCommands
writePowers - Variable in class RFIDReader.PowerSettings
WriteTagData(int, TagMask, TagFields) - Method in class RFIDReader.RFIDReader
Method: TagFields WriteTagData(int accessPassword, TagMask tagMask, TagFields tagFields) Summary: This method reads the tag data from the specified tag data bank: 0 = Reserved data, 1 = EPC data, 2 = Tag Identifier data (generally not writable), 3 = User data using the mask data against the location specified by the maskBank, maskStartBitAddress (offset into bank in number of bits) with length specified by maskBitLength number of bits.
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