Composite Material Manufacturing
Battery-free remote sensing that detects key transitions in composite manufacturing processes.

Stronger composites require deep insight.
We measure fundamental properties deep within composites during the manufacturing process. We detect when resins reach critical areas and when material transitions occur. Continuous monitoring of temperatures throughout the structure is achieved throughout the entire cure process.
Our system uses cost-effective remote sensing – without wires and absolutely nothing that would compromise the structural strength or appearance of your composite structure. SensThys products and software, provide this information in real-time, remotely, and securely with battery-free tags that can be either single-use or permanently integrated within. We offer both low-profile and rugged readers, allowing use in both indoor and extreme outdoor environments.

- Real-time
- Remote-sensing
- Full mold coverage
- Disposable or permanent sensors
- Low-cost sensors
- Battery-free
- Optimal manufacturing flow
- Secure communication